In-Crowd/ Outsider

 In-Crowd/ Outsider

This session allows participants to process what it feels like to have both marginalized and mainstream identities in society and understand that being in “the mainstream” can come with privilege that can negatively impact or oppress others. One of the reflection questions after the activity asks about taking action to include others and youth may begin to wonder how to respond when they see hurtful behaviors occurring to their peers. Below you will find resources on practicing allyship and how to respond after you hurt someone.

Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!) has created a resource for How to Respond if You Were Disrespectful. This guide includes four steps on to show the person that you hurt that you are and take steps to repair the relationship.


The Oregan Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence’s Working Definition of Allyship includes tips and tools to actively and consistently practice allyship. The handout also includes further resources on what it means to engage in this practice of un-learning.